Fun With Bash Scripting

1 Feb, 2021 - 10 minutes
What is it? Bash is the Bourne Again SHell. It was made in 1989 as a replacement for System 7 UNIX’s Bourne shell and is part of the GNU project. Since then, it has become ubiquitous in the Linux world as the default shell in nearly every Linux distribution. For most Linux users, it’s worth while becoming acquainted with it. It’s power is in automating system management tasks and various other things.

The Importance of the Financial Sector

27 Jan, 2021 - 8 minutes
The Financial Sector in the Modern Economy The financial sector is often seen (and in some regards rightfully so) as a haven for an upper class filled with avarice to speculate and gamble their fortunes in order to further bolster their wealth. It is a highly misunderstood sector whose purpose needs to be clarified succinctly. First and foremost, the financial sector is like the metaphorical circulatory system of an economy. It serves several primary functions, including:

Fixing Game Resolution on Wayland

20 Jan, 2021 - 2 minutes
HiDPI Scaling In Wayland, HiDPI displays work very well and are trivial to configure. GNOME and KDE have historically handled HiDPI without issue and under sway, you can set a scale factor like this: output output-name scale 1.25 This is adequate for 1440p. If you’re using a compositor such as hikari that lacks settings for scaling, then QT and GTK can be upscaled with environment variables and terminal text can be scaled as well.